About living well together 2025
kunstroas 2025 – About living well together
Opening: Saturday, 05.07.2025
From July to November 2023, the first kunstroas took place in Grossarltal, at the head of the valley in Hüttschlager. The artists, who work in various genres of art and architecture, “measured” and analyzed the special features of the Grossarl Valley and dealt with its ecological and social conditions. The result of the artistic exploration was met with very positive feedback from both locals and guests.
kunstroas 2025 is now dedicated to the themes of village, village life, work, crafts and community. The artists are called upon to reflect on the special situation in rural areas and to interact with the everyday lives of local people in their works. This includes examining the complex relationship between nature and people as well as our dependence on a limited living space.

Between tradition and innovation
What specific effects does globalization have on the working methods and living conditions in the agriculture of a mountain village? How does small-scale regional production succeed in competing with industrial mass production? What changes have taken place in the population structure of the village in recent decades? And what social changes can be observed in the rise of the mountain village as a tourist community? Are there signs of emigration, vacancy and rural exodus or is there a trend towards a “back to the roots” lifestyle? What specific challenges do women in particular experience in rural areas, whose important role in village life is often under-appreciated?
What role does tourism play in this context and can it contribute to strengthening rural communities? How have people changed their living and working environment in the Capitalocene era? What impact have the various crises, such as the financial and economic crisis, climate crisis, food crisis, wars and the threat of (new) pandemics, had on village structures and personal lifestyles?

Art in dialog with history, place and community
Art can promote an in-depth exchange between the location and its users. Artists come into contact with local people, exchange ideas and create opportunities for participation. Questioning local stories and researching the history of the place and the people are the challenge facing the artists of kunstroas 2025.
As part of kunstroas 2025, some of the projects already realized at kunstroas 2023 will be presented again (including the work of HERI & SALLI as well as one of CLEMENS BAUDER’s hay barns, which will be rebuilt with the support of KARL ENTACHER and his students from the Holztechnikum Kuchl), on the one hand along the kunstroas hiking trail, and on the other hand the works of INGRID SCHREYER from 2023 will be shown in an exhibition together with works by ANGELA ANDORRER in cooperation with the Berg-Schule in Großarl. Three new art projects are being developed to complement the existing concept. The following artists have been selected for this: ANGELA ANDORRER, MARLENE HAUSEGGER and LORENZ PROMMEGGER

Workshop as part of kunstraos 2025
Reliquie Natur 02
02.- 04.05.2025
Free workshop at the mountain school in Grossarl
as part of kunstroas 2025 on the topic of “Living well together”.
Reliquie Natur 02 is a participatory art project by artist Angela ANDORRER. As part of kunstroas 2025 , she invites Werkgruppe Klosterarbeiten from the Klosterarbeiten group and participants from Grossarltal to a joint, discursive workshop.
Further information and registration: https://www.andorrer.at/reliquienatur02

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