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The measurement of nature

© Jo Singer

Ingrid Schreyer

Ingrid Schreyer studied teaching for visual education and philosophy-psychology-pedagogy in Salzburg and teaches at the University Mozarteum at the Department of Fine Arts and Design.

In her artistic practice, she is committed to using painting, drawing, and photography to make the vulnerable beauty of sensitive ecosystems visible in detail. For several summers she worked with farm animals on alpine pastures. She constantly pursues her photographic research in outdoor spaces: in green zones, mountain environments, roadsides. Her experiences of dealing with rural space manifest themselves in different formats: in large works on paper, in public space (wall design Landwirtschaftsschule Tamsweg), in the publication Nachsuche (with Bodo Hell, Edition Krill) or the picture book “Der richtige Riecher” (with Sarah Kretschmer, Bibliothek der Provinz).

Jörg Auzinger

Born in Linz, Jörg Auzinger graduated from the department of audiovisual media art at the Höhere technische Bundeslehranstalt für Kunst und Design in Graz. He studied digital art with Peter Weibel, as well as film directing at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna with Axel Corti. Joerg Auzinger is a freelance media artist living in Vienna and Styria.

Auzinger works at the interface of analog and digital, his artistic projects are situated between art, science and technology and often deal with the relationship between man, nature and machine and the socio-political aspects of a technology-based communication society. In interactive installations, photographic works and objects, he analyzes the function of new and old media and their construction of realities and the accompanying changes in our concept of reality.

© Jörg Auzinger
© Hans Schubert

heri & salli

heri&salli is a studio for architecture, design and urban development, based in Vienna. Founded in 2004 by Heribert Wolfmayr and Josef Saller, heri&salli understand the design of our environment as a symbiosis of different disciplines. Sustainability, resilience, technology and innovation are the basis of creative processes to create livable space for humanity. Building communities is one of the definitive achievements of architecture.

Societies are constituted by the relations of the common – architecture has the potential to build these communities.

Architecture arises from information and passes on information. We can read architecture.

We need to find the right opportunity at the right time, in the right place for the right task. Tangible, intelligent and sustainable.

Architecture is the result of lively discourse, interdisciplinary cooperation, flexibility and an experienced team.

Dóra Medveczky und Fabio Spink

Dóra Medveczky is a freelance building artist from Budapest, Hungary. She studied architecture and art in Budapest and Munich and lives in Vienna since 2017. Since 2016 she has been involved in various projects ranging from furniture design to signage and exhibition design. In her latest works, she uses various artistic methods to analyze current, social phenomena and their material and spatial qualities.

Fabio Spink first completed an apprenticeship as a carpenter in the Swiss Rhine Valley. He then studied industrial design in Basel. Through internships in Vienna and London, he developed an interest in co-design in public space and its social relevance. This moves him to attend the master program Social Design at the University of Applied Arts. Since 2020 he lives, studies and works as an independent artist in Vienna.

Dóra Medveczky and Fabio Spink have been working together on art projects since 2021, which they develop themselves from the initial idea to the finished work.

© Mafalda Rakos
© Clemens Bauder

Clemens Bauder

The works of Clemens Bauder move between architecture, urbanism and visual art and design. Collaborative and processual work are elementary components of his practice. In the realization of his predominantly site-specific projects, he usually lends a hand himself. Temporary architectures and installations in public space have taken him from Lisbon to China. Bauder develops mainly interdisciplinary and hybrid projects with a research focus on public space in both urban and rural contexts.

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